Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, I pretty much broke my "at least one post a week" rule last week, so I just thought I'd throw up this general update.

Work has been crazy busy and my desk seriously looks like some giant vomitted Blackberries and aircards all over my cramped cubicle, but hopefully this will be under control soon. Last October or November we started more clearly defining our jobs/positions and now we are starting to refine those even more, so a lot of the extra stuff that I do that has nothing to do with what I was hired to do will be going to other people and our current filer is going to become my assistant. I think this will be good for me because it's going to force me to be more assertive and really be a supervisor.

I hope that this also helps to establish some sort of heiarchy in the office because right now if our project manager leaves there's no one here with the knowledge to take her place.

One of my co-workers quit/got fired -- yeah I didn't know both could happen at the same time, but hopefully it will be a blessing in disguise. He did need to go, but he also wasn't the biggest problem either. So we shall see. Seems like this should be a good evolution on what we started last year.

I have been working on several stories and I was about ready to go all Gallahger on my laptop this weekend. I had written this really, really good 25 page story that I was almost done with and my computer did this crazy thing that it does sometimes and wouldn't save it. It does this every now and then and I don't know why, but there's some sort of glich when I go to save something and it erases the document completely off of my thumb drive. Usually, I can just turn around and resave it, but this time when I tried there was another error and turned my 25 page masterpiece into jibberish.

I was livid. This is probably insane, but I actually think I'm feeling spiteful toward my computer right now, because I don't really want to even look at it. I mean, this is probably one of the better things I've written in a really long time and now I have to start all over and pray that I remember at least 70-80% of what was written.


I guess, I just need to break down and call geek squad because something has not been right with my computer for a while now.

But on happier notes...I've been feeling really good. It's amazing what eating right and getting rid of 22 pounds can do. I can't wait to see what I feel like when 70 some is gone. I'm still having problems sticking to an exercise plan. I guess I need to get a membership somewhere with a pool because swimming is the only exercise I love, but there's the whole bathing suit in public thing and being in a pool that God only knows how many other people have been in and what they did in said pool -- it's a little eww.

But off to do real work now...

1 comment:

Music Wench said...

Congrats on the 22 pound loss! I know how difficult it is to stick to a diet plan. And exercising is an issue with me since I hate to sweat and only want to swim. When I was younger I lived in the ocean - Pacific that is - and it was the best exercise. I was tan and thin for years. I got pale and fat when I got too busy to go to the beach.

Since then I tried every diet under the sun, joined a spa and was good for six months then stopped. The yo-yo thing with my weight was horrible and even my doctor told me I'd be better off slightly overweight than doing the yo-yo thing. So having been every size from 1 to 14, I'm somewhere in the middle and happy. Sure I could lose more but it would require I go out and exercise. I do go swimming with the grandchildren - pasty white and cellulite not withstanding - and it is great exercise.

I admire your self-control. I understand your feelings about the swimming pool but try and have my attitude. If you don't like what I look like don't look at me. LOL If you join a gym/spa, there are bound to be other people there who are also worried about how they look in a bathing suit. So you won't be alone.

Just think, if you keep it up you will get to the point where you won't mind how you look in a bathing suit at all! :-)

Glad things are getting better for you at work.