Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Praying to be Straight -- ???

So I caught a blurb on AOL news about how Saran Palin's church promotes gay "conversion" and prayer and "therapy" (God only knows what constitutes as therapy for this) to help people fight their homosexual urges.

I am generally not one to harp in on political debates because I feel there are other people out there who have similar views and who can express the issues more intelligently than I can, but this whole idea of homosexuality being a choice just baffles me.

First off, who in their right mind, who is part of a society that is so fixated on being normal and popular, would choose to be gay?

I just don't buy this idea that you can train someone to be something that that are instinctively not. I don't think our sexuality is something we learn, but something that is biological and instinctual. That's not to say that our environment doesn't effect our reactions to sex and our own sexuality, but I don't think that it dictates it.

Several years ago I saw a really interesting documentary on MSNBC (there's actually an Law & Order: SVU episoded based on this case) where two twin boys were born, but one of them was very badly injured during his circumcision. The damage was so severe that he would never be a fully functional male. So, this extreme doctor suggested that the parents raise him as a girl.

And that's what they did. As a baby he had surgeries to make him look as if he was a girl and then when he hit puberty was given hormones to develop as a girl. The family treated him as a girl and encouraged him to act accordingly, but he had no interest in being a girl. He wasn't attracted boys, he had no interest in "girly" things, and a part of him always new that something was not right with him.

When he finally did discover what happened to him he began the process of turning back into a male, but there was already so much physical and psychological damage done.

It was a very sad story and I think he ended up killing himself when he got older.

But I think that just goes to show people that fighting your own nature is only going to be detrimental to your life. How many families do we see torn apart because one parent finally admits that they've been living lie, all for the sake of keeping up appearances?

As long as they aren't hurting themselves or others, just let people be who they are and quite frankly I don't particularly want to believe in an elitist God. If there is a god, he/she/it, should be above petty differences.


Goddessdster said...

There is so much evidence that supports a genetic or biological basis for homosexuality that I have to gag myself whenever self-righteous "gay choicers" get airtime. If there is a God (and I do believe so, but that is a complicated opinion), he made us who we are, gay, straight, transgendered, queer. It is a shame we can't just let people be.

Lynnez said...

It is a shame. And I also have a complicated belief in God. Growing up in the south, you can't really avoid having an idea of God ingrained in your head, whether a practicing Christian or not, but I just don't see th point in making so many differences if only one is suppose to be right.

Music Wench said...

If everyone would just let people live their life without imposting their own opinions and so-called 'moral values' on them we'd be fine.

Honestly, do they really think people would choose to be gay? A friend of mine from college who was half Japanese and half Jamaican-American said once out of sheer frustration, "Why would I choose to make my life any more difficult? I'm a minority in this country, I'm considered black and Z want to throw in gay into that on purpose?"

Sad that it's still the same today. That all those people still have their heads stuck firmly in the sand. You'd think they would try and educate themselves instead of clinging to archaic beliefs.

Good post, btw. You should express yourself more often. I do - typs and unfinished thoughts and all. LOL

Lynnez said...

thanks, MW. You're probably right -- I should speak up more in general.

It is sad though, that it's still like that. I mean it is changing on some level -- I think young people now are more willing to be outspoken and not hide who they are, but at the same time they also put themselves at risk for ridicule and in some instances violence by doing so.

P.S. I finally got the gist of how the comment communication works so hopefully you'll still get this...

Music Wench said...

Yes I got it. :)