Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Laziness

Well, i really have had much to talk about this week. I got a lot of work done this weekend on a story that I started six months ago, but that my computer destroyed (25 pages disappeared). I now have 20 pages done and granted (crossing fingers and sending up hail Mary's) my computer cooperates hopefully the new version will be done soon. But other than that I got nothing, so I was exploring youtube and found a couple videos I wanted to share of Hoots & Hellmouth.

They're a band from Philly, that I can't recomend enough. One of my friends has become good friends with the mandolin player and they all are pretty good guys and very talented musicians.

Posted by MiloSwerve

Song -- Home in a Boxcar

Posted by WNCW Studio B

Song -- This Hand

Posted by janeanger

Song -- Forks and Knives

Well Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I'm off to write some more and relax before heading back to work.


Music Wench said...

I've heard of these guys through NPR somehow. Thanks for the videos. Definitely gonna look them up over at Rhapsody. :-)

Lynnez said...

They're really great. Though you have to see them live to completely appreciate them. It's a foot-stomping good time. The first couple of times that i saw them they did this one song called "I've come Undone" where they unplugged and jumped into the crowd -- granted it was a small venue -- but they just had everyone form a circle around them and Sean Hoots sang his red-headed little heart out. God, that boy can sing.