Thursday, September 11, 2008

Everything is All Wonky

First off, I have to say -- "It's frickin' freezin' in here Mr. Bigelsworth!"

There is no such thing as a comfortable temperture in our office. It's either stuffy, but still chilly or so cold my fingernails are purplish and the joints in my fingers slightly ache. In the two years that I have been here, it would take all of my fingers and toes to count the number of times they've had technitians out here to work on it. In the middle of the humid, Virginia summers you'll find us here in hoodies and little heaters turned on near our feet. It is both hillarious and ridiculous -- and this coming form a person who likes being cool.

Besides that my whole equilbrium feels like it has been off all week. All day yesterday (Wednesday) I thought it was Tuesday, but today (Thursday) I feel like it's Friday.

For some reason my brain on occasion goes into these manic-like ADD episodes where I can not focus on anything. I can't write -- I've tried every night this week, but just end up staring at a blank page or only being able to do a few measely edits here and there. The really annoying thing though is that while I'm at work I am a plethora of ideas and scenes and conversations, and periodically find myself staring at my computer at work, realizing that I have no idea how long I've been lost in my own la-la land. Luckily the current story I'm updating is pretty much written anyway.

These states also seem to coincide with me doing more internet surfing and playing with new websites (i.e. sprucing up this very blog) and then doing something, that looking back, really made no sense. Like yesterday, I created another blog for my Fan Fiction, which seemed like a good idea, but really was a waste of time. Anyone who wants to read my stuff can find it on and I'm sure no one will find it and read it anyway, but yet it's there now. I guess I'll still transfer stuff over there since it's there and I mean with my luck with computers it won't hurt to have stuff there as a back up.

I feel both over and under stimulated right now. My job is pretty boring, but I have so much stuff to do that I don't know where to start. I'm slowly losing the battle over the territory that is my cubicle to mountains of phones and accesories that seem, well not seem -- they quite literaly do -- multiple every week. The problem is this is turning into a two man job and I am still only one, but hopefully by next month there will in fact be two of us -- if the bosses keep to their plans which they aren't always the greatest at.

I guess it's just mental pacing...I'm a physical pacer too, which I came by very naturally. Just about everyone it my dad's family paces, wags a foot, or something. I apparently pace and play with websites out of bordum.

So, I'm going to take in deep breaths and try to focus -- maybe having gotten this out will help.


Goddessdster said...

I too have an over-under stimulating job. In a very cold office. With a gnat problem. And a too-talkative office mate. This is why I waste so much time writing fanfiction on the job.

Regardless of one's opinion of his works, Stephen King gave me one of my best quotes about writing (and writers do love to be all quotable about writing, don't they?): "Do not go lightly to the blank page." Unless you're Gene Fowler, and then drops of blood will appear on your forehead. Perhaps Fowler need to go a tad more lightly to the page?

I'm digressing, but I'm right here with you.

Lynnez said...

"writers do love to be all quotable about writing" -- LOL. That's very well put and true...and a tad bit with the buffy-speak. awesome.

I have three office mates in a space that really should only hold two -- no more than three comfortably and one of the most annoying people I've ever meet down the hall. I never met anyone as unaware of himself as he is. and he's constantly doing a "song & dance" for the bosses to highlight the little bit of work he does.

Well now i'm digressing.

Goddessdster said...

It's your blog. Digress to your heart's content.

And, WOW! Is that one cat humongous, or is the other one just totally wee?

Lynnez said...

lol...a little of both. that's an old picture so, Sampson,the wee one, isn't quite so wee, but Bedlam, the huge one, is still pretty huge.

Music Wench said...

See, that's what my fear is, getting a better paying job but one that won't be stimulating enough. I love my job. I hate what I'm paid - or not paid - for it but it's kind of a trade-off. It's the longest job I've had. Generally when I get bored I quit and move on to a completely different kind of field sometimes. Just because I hate being under stimulated.

In this economy it's not easy to just jump to something different. But mostly I put up with crappy pay because I like my co-workers a lot and I love my job.

Lynnez said...

Yeah it is a trade off. I have pretty good job security and good benefits, pay is getting better, but I have a very hard time sitting at a computer for 8 hours a day. I really find all the excuses i can to be on my feet at least for a few minutes every now and then.

Hopefully in a few years when I have more of a fanicial cushion I can go back to school and find something that will be more stimulating.

jazzy said...

hi lynnez :)
i don't know how to get in touch with you, so i choose this way - hope you don't mind!
i do like your blog! if you are interested to make a "guest post" for the team13projects, please let me know.
thank you a lot :)

Lynnez said...

Thanks jazzy -- nice to "meet" you. I will let you know if i have anything for team13. I don't really know what i'd have to offer, but i usually do pretty in depth reviews/discussions for the CI episodes on Major Case-CI. If you had interest in posting some of those I could get them for you to post or some of the VDO films I've discussed. Let me know.

jazzy said...

aaawe you are great :)
well, i ADORE your "praying to be straigt" post. although any post by you would make me happy.
e-mail me please, if you want so we can confer which to choose

have a wonderful weekend!!