(pauses for gasps and the shameful shaking of heads)
I did not start out that way and even when I started reading B/A fanfiction my initial reaction was: really? But then, like a junkie on crack, I started reading more and more of it and by the time I got to watching season 4, I was convinced there was a possibility. And now as much as I try I can't read anything that doesn't have Goren and Eames with Goren and Eames.
Here's something I posted a year or so ago on the USA CI message board, where I plead my case for B/A shipping. LOL. It's all in good fun.
Before I say why i would ship or think there is something more between Goren and Eames, let me clarify that even though I do like the idea of them together I don't actually want to see it. It can be implied and hinted at (which some may argue it already has been) but I don't want it to be the focus of the show. In fact I think if they were to do anything overtly romantic with any character it would be Logan because he is kind of a playboy from what i've gathered.
As for why to ship Goren and Eames: I think one thing that prompts us to want to ship them is the fact that there is a very Mulder/Scully-like relationship between the two. (Now i stress again i do not want them to go the way of the X-Files, but the parrells are still there). You have this quirky guy whose bright and charming, but can also be un-nerving in this methods and beliefs, which can make him hard to work with. Then there's this woman partner who really is his perfect compliment and is his link to the higher ups who are turned off by this thoughts and processes. And I have to say that Erbe & D'Onofrio have way better chemistry than Anderson & Duchovny.
All of us crave affection from other human beings and what we all need is that person who balances us out and is able to challenge us. When i say challenge i don't mean they should be arguing all the time, but they should open the other up to new thoughts and ideas, which it's very clear that Goren and Eames do that for each other.
Their partnership is very unique when compared to the other pairs of partners through out the Law and Order verse in how well they do compliment each other. I don't think there was ever a family-like relationship between the two, because i think we would have seen it like we did on SVU. I think the first episode of SVU we see Olivia go to Elliot's house torn up about a case, which makes me see a brother/sister bond between them, but with Goren and Eames, despite how close they appear to have become (or are becomming), they still seem to keep a professional distance between them, which i gather is more Eames's doing than Goren's.
Now if there wasn't some threat of more than partner-like feelings that distance wouldn't be necissary. It also appears that both are really married to their work, though for different reasons, and even though we have heard mention of both of them dating it doesn't appear that either of them have had any long-term relationships in years.
I think you could argue that (though i don't remember what the timeline was on Eames' marriage) they've been partners longer than either had been in a given relationship and for people who work as much as they do it's not uncommon to meet a romantic interest in the workplace because where else are they going to find it.
I think it became apparent in "Silencer" that they are too emotionally involved with each other (i don't mean in a sexual way) for their partnership to not get in the way of any outside romantic relationship. I'm sorry to all you non-shippers but Goren was jealous. There was a pissing match between he and Peter and it wasn't about the case.
Also the last scene in that episode is really intriguing to me as a shipper because they could have faded out on the deaf girl as she's watching her boyfriend being dragged off, but instead it cuts to Goren sitting next to Peter at the table in the interrogation room. Now i know i can be overly analytical (I was an english major -- it's what we do) but there was a statement being made there. I'm going to argue that it was a statement of choice. Those are Eames's choices and Goren's going to win.
He's going to win for a couple reasons: 1. he is the safer choice because ideally nothing romantic should happen between them (doesn't mean there isn't something already there, even if neither will approach it) and it's obvious that Eames has been living with her gaurd up since her husband's death, 2. those walls are starting to crumble and both Goren and Eames are becomming more emotionally exposed to the other and 3. she trusts and cares about him.
It's obvious that they care for each other through Eames's reaction at having to read her new partner request letter and with him you see the way he interacts with her change in season four. He's more protective. In "Gone" he let's the suspect get away to step inbetween a witness that's getting out of line with her, which in earlier seasons i think the suspect would have been his focus not Eames. Her reaction in reading that letter is so emotional and it's really the first time i recall in the series that we see such an obvious emotional response from her. It really tears her up having to read those things that she initially thought about him and you can also see a hint of fear at what his reaction might be.
I think if there were stirctly platonic or brother/sister feelings between them, her reaction still would have been emotional, but i think it would have been more subtle and there wouldn't have been any room to see fear, because their relationship would be safe and predictable. That letter wouldn't have seemed to be as big of a threat if their bond was as tight as a familial one.
Either side of this argument is complete speculation because i think in many ways their relationship has been very ambiguous, which i personally like because it leaves room for debates like this one. I can see how people would interpert these things differently from me and that's what makes it fun. Still, to me there is an attraction and flirtation there that the actors and writers dance around and play with. One thing i do know for sure is that my guy friends who are like brothers to me don't look at me the way Goren sometimes looks at Eames...I'm just saying...
There's nothing you said that I don't disagree with. I also didn't see anything there in the beginning - well, to be honest I always wondered if Goren was somewhat in love with Eames because of F.P.S. But I never thought she felt the same way but after ITWSH and all of season 6 and 7, I'm convinced there's all kinds of complicated feelings there and one of them is definitely love.
you know I agree about Goren's feelings...I'm very curious to what kind of complicated feelings come up in season 8. ;)
I'm finally getting excited about new episodes as opposed to worried. Kind of seems like Nichols might be an interesting counterpart to Goren with him being the son of two psychaitrists. It seems like they may be similar, but how they got there sounds very different. we shall see.
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