Friday, October 31, 2008

Give me something to sing about

The system is done right now at work so I can't do any work right this is what happens when i'm left to my own devices with nothing to do. Found this when i was looking at Goddessdster's livejournal. I have to say her answers are far more interesting and diverse than mine.

Shipping Meme

"Canon" ship:
Willow/Tara -- BTVS

"Not quite canon but should be" ship:
Does Angel/Cordelia from Angel count -- they got close but not quite and I was so down with that.

"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship:
Buffy/Xander -- I'm way behind on reading The "Season 8" comic, but the first couple of volumes hinted at the possibility and I'm just there reading yelling "NOOOOOO!"

"You are one sick bastard" ship:
the Spike/Dawn (BTVS) one I came across disturbed me

"I dabble a little" ship:
I dabble only in Bobby/Alex -- I can't seem to focus long enough on any others

"It's like a car crash" ship:
Buffy/Spike -- but how much awesome fun was that.

"Tickles my fancy but not quite sold yet" ship:

"Makes no canon sense but why they hell not" ship:
don't know

"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" ship:
Logan/Barek -- I honestly kind of wanted Barek to be a Lesbian. If I had written her more she would have ended up a lesbian

"When all is said and done" ship:

"Guilty pleasure" ship:
Aren't they all?

"I could never abandon you" ship:
Bobby/Alex; Willow/Tara

Favourite devotion ship:
don't know -- i guess most of the ones I read could be considered this

Favourite never-met ship:
I think any character I've paired have met in cannon

Favourite abuse ship:

Favourite rape ship: I don't do rape fantasy and I don't watch hentai...It's bad enough that I actually know what it is

Favourite "Awwww!" ship:

Favourite perverted ship:
I'm a prude.

Favourite dominance!battle ship:
does Zoe/Wash count from Firefly because she could definity kick his ass.


Music Wench said...

You know, the only couple I ship is Bobby/Alex. Sad isn't it? LOL

Lynnez said...'s the only one I write. Most of the others actually did happen on the shows they were on.

Goddessdster said...

Hah! that was fun, though I wonder if I should do it over, now that my shipping tastes have changed a bit.

Oh! I do have a Never Met ship: Oz/Lindsey (slash, obvs.) - I remember reading an intriguing series in which Oz goes somewhere and meets Lindsey from Angel and they hook up in this amazingly angsty way.

I can whisper the answers to you on the Season 8 Buffy, but I don't want to ruin things for you.

And interestingly, I always wanted Wheeler to be lesbian, I was sort of disappointed when it didn't turn out that way (remember that ep. when the chick was flirting with her? She was TOTALLY INTO THAT!)

Lynnez said...

LOL...sorry for the late reply. didn't see this until today. I never got lesbian from Wheeler...maybe it's because in high school people assumed I was a lesibian because I had short hair like Wheeler does and so I didn't want to assume that she was just because she didn't look girly. But something about Barek's demeanor said lesbian to me -- don't know why.

Eventually I will catch up on season eight -- I just have to buy the bound copies -- I suck at keeping up with the individual volumes. But one of my friends said that it gets...weird...she didn't go into detail, but with Joss there could be alot of things that fall into that category. lol.

Goddessdster said...

It had nothing to do with her short hair. Wheeler being gay to me, I mean. It was all about the flirting with a chick scene. In fact, when she turned out not to be, I got all pissed off because it is of course, acceptable to have a straight chick flirt with a lesbian, but god forbid anyone should show a straight guy flirting with a gay one. Not only because of the double-standard, but also because close friends of mine who are lesbian say they sometimes hate it when straight chicks flirt with them. Kind of like the lipstick lesbian version of being a cock tease.

Buffy S8: The final battle scene in the "Wolves at the Gate" story arc is brilliant and heartbreaking.

Lynnez said...

Oh i didn't think you thought she was gay b/c of her hair...just personal expereince made me like the fact that she wasn't. But I do agree she seemed amused by the flirting...

But there is definitly a double standard there. I guess being a lesbian is a little better than being a gay man in pop culture. Ridiculous, yes, but hopefully we will see that change. Though we do have to give CI a little benefit of the doubt because "Please note..." did have Goren as bait for a gay man.