First is "My Name is Earl." I will admit that the novelty of "Earl" has worn off on me, so I don't care much whether I see it or not, but I do enjoy it when I catch it. Plus, I kind of heart Jason Lee, for which I entirely blame Kevin Smith. Ethan Suplee (another Kevin Smith find) is hilarious as the dim witted, Randy. Even though he is an idiot I can't help but love the fact that his character is scared of birds because I am scared of birds (don't ask why -- I have no idea).
Then there's Joy (Jaime Presley) who just might be the best part of "Earl" and whose finger swinging and "Oh Snap!" has ingrained itself onto my psyche. In fact the first time I saw the LOCI episode "Untethered" and we get to the part where Goren is confronting his brother and Frank goes "just take Eames to a motel and get it out of your system" -- I busted out laughing. Why? Because in my head all I saw was Joy in a corner going "Oh Snap!" Seemed like a pretty appropriate response to me.
"The Office" has turned into one of my favorite shows. I know it gets a lot of flack for being an American remake and if I had been a fan of the British version I'd probably be scoffing right along with them, but I find it hilarious. Of course there's the Pam and Jim storyline and I'm just waiting for the fallout to take place since things have been so good between the too. I'm single and commitment-phobic, and if possible I'd like to live vicariously through them. I know I'm in the minority, but for once I'd like to see a TV couple just be happy -- I have no desire to see them turn into a Ross and Rachel -- "The Office" (I hope) is too smart for that.
Plus we have other couples to amuse ourselves with: the trifecta of Dwight, Angela, and Andy, and then another with Micheal, Jan, and the new HR person, played by Amy Ryan.
Amy Ryan is enough reason to pull me to "The Office" every week. The more I see her the more I want to see her. She was amazing in "Gone Baby Gone." This is the first comedic role I have ever seen her in and she does slapstick just as well as drama. She and Steve Carrell are great together -- on the premier last week they rapped. It was awesome -- white people rapping in general is pretty funny, but when you add straight-laced dorks to the equations the hilarity gets bumped up a few notches.
Here's a best of video I found on You Tube from ionre:
Then come November, LOCI will be back on Thurdays as well. I'm still a little nervous about the whole new writing staff, but hopefully it will be good and we will get more episodes that blend the personal and the professional in a believable way with out going to far over the top -- it's TV they're going to go a little over the top. And I am getting excited to see what Jeff Goldblum brings to the table. Either way it should at least be interesting to see where they take out detectives. I'm hoping we see a solid Goren and Eames partnership (and lots of ambiguity as far as how deep their relationship goes ;)) and a mending Goren -- because for the love of God I've over the angst.
Oh well...ta-ta for now.
Oh. Except the debate is on tonight, so no good TV (because I will not term this debate "good TV").
I do The Office and CSI, mostly because it's become like crackfic, and the more ridiculous it becomes, the more I find I want to watch it.
I am pretty excited about LOCI coming back.
And you're not alone in the "please can we just have one contented couple on TV?" opinion. I, for one, always enjoyed Mad About You because it explored the humor within couplehood without turning it into a "will they or won't they?" situation to amp up the drama.
oh yeah...the debate -- well there's always next week. LOL.
Yes, Mad About You was great. I tend to like (and can't seem to write anything else) stories that are about people within established relationships. The whole "will they, won't they" thing is rather stale and predictible -- guy will chase girl, finally win her heart, and then things will fall apart because the excitment was in the chase and not the actual relationship.
Ah, I'm not much of television watcher any more. I do like the silly reality shows on Bravo, however, so I really can't say anything about anyone else's taste in programming. LOL Except for LOCI, I won't take time out to watch anything specific.
Tonight is debate night and I am ready to have fun. I got my Palin Bingo cards ready and we're taking bets on whether or not she is just sandbagging us with her stupidity in her interviews or if she really is that stupid.
I have to watch this, btw, as part of my job so I'm trying to have as much fun with it as possible.
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