Friday, October 3, 2008

Was that even a sentence?

So, I caught about 20 minutes or so of the VP debate last night -- sometime just before their closing statements and I honestly have no idea what Palin was saying. There were key words being thrown left and right, but did she really say anything? She looked more like a beauty queen fielding questions, than she did a vice presidential candidate. Plus she just seemed to talk circles and by the time she finished I had completely forgotten what the moderator's original question was.

Maybe it's just me, but it irritates me when politicians say that they're just like me or that they came from a working class family and therefore know what your average person goes through on a day to day basis. I'm sorry but they don't. Maybe at one time they did, but it's inevitable that as you move up in the racks that you will lose sight of the "common people." The people that do the dirty jobs without recognition or worry every month whether or not they are going to get their bills paid without driving themselves into debt. I'm not saying it's their fault, but just an unfortunate side effect.

Look at in a smaller scale: the owners of my company for example. They started out as sales reps and worked their way up to owning their own market with three people and a handful of sales reps running a whole blooming company. But now, if you asked either of the owners what I do on a day to day basis, neither of them would be able to give you a concise answer (and their offices are right across the hall), because they have become too far removed. They make descions with no idea as to how it will effect the workload or job of a particular person. It's not really their fault -- they just got too caught up in other aspects.

So don't tell me you understand -- tell me what you plan to do, plainly and concisely, without the run around.

I have to agree with what MusicWench said in her Blue State post regaurding Obama's ads. I like seeing him in a chair just talking to us about what he wants to do as president and not why we shouldn't vote for McCain. For a few seconds it gives the illusion that he is in your living room, explaining what he plans to do for you. It's a comforting feeling because it makes him seem as if he really does care and that he's not just running lines by us. When was the last time we had a presidential candidate do such a thing?


Goddessdster said...

Because if they told you what they were truly going to do, no one would vote for them ever - except heads of large corporations. Truth.

Music Wench said...

What Goddessdster said.

Lynnez said...

Good point(s). but either way you'd think that as much as they bullshit people that they would be more talented at it -- a least make it seem as if they have plans as opposed to just talking in circles.

Music Wench said...

They do have plans. They plan to continue Bush's policies. They belong to the haves and have mores.

On the up side, we may not have to be inflicted with her any more. They're going to keep her doing only stump speeches and not taking any more questions. While it was somewhat entertaining to watch Ms. Palin tank, it started to get so bad even I felt sorry for her and I can't stand her.

It was like Dan Quayle all over again. Every time he was about to speak I'd change the channel or leave the room if my husband wanted to watch because he was so awkward and said so many stupid things I couldn't take it any more.

Goddessdster said...

I too find watching Palin speak so cringe-worthy as to make me uncomfortable. It's like that show "Curb Your Enthusiasm," where I knew any minute he was going to do something stupid or insulting and it just made me itch with discomfort. I couldn't watch.

Look, I view politics as an unfortunately dirty game. They are all scumbags. As much as I hate to think of Obama as such, I have to acknowledge that to be the case to some degree. Nothing gets done in that town without a lot of backroom deal-making and ugliness. I just want the one who supports my causes to be making the deals.

Politics - the one arena wherein I am unapologetically jaded.

Music Wench said...

I agree, they all have an agenda and there is always some lying going on. So I usually vote with the knowledge that they are all lying to some degree. It's just I feel the Republicans have taken it to a whole new level when it comes to offensive.

The lies are so blatant only a moron would not see through it. When members of your own party are mumbling that you're going too far, maybe you need to listen - 'you' being John McCain. The conservative commentators and columnists seem relieved that Palin didn't 'drool all over herself' in the debate but that's only because for superficial reasons. In the substance department, she fell flat.

It's sad that we have a candidate at this level that is even more stupid than George W. Bush. Sad.

Lynnez said... go away for a day and imporant conversations go on in your own blog...awesome.

It's sad, but i think it's true that you can't get into that kind of postion of power by being nice and completely honest. Maybe he is just a really good charmer, a wheeler and dealer (I'm around sales reps all day so i see bullshitting on regular basis), but I think Obama is the first person I can remember that seems as if he really could be a truly pivitol figure in politics. Not just a changing of the gaurd, which really is all McCain would be

I remember a teacher I had in high school calling the choice between Gore and Bush a choice between paste and paste because she didn't want Bush in the white house, but didn't see Gore as a great canidate either. I think this election is just the opposite.

Goddessdster said...

It's not that I don't think Obama's intentions are good. I believe in his heart he is honestly hoping for change in the way government works. that may be naive of me, I don't care. But I also recognize a certain amount of shadiness is necessary in politics. This is unfortunate. Bills don't get passed without favors being offered. Lobbying groups are much more powerful than we would ever believe.

I don't believe Obama is intentionally lying to us (as opposed to McCain, who is), but that does not mean there won't be a time in which he will.

I'm just sayin'.