Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tell me something good...

Well it's been a while...again.

My brain has been over run recently by all the jumbled ideas I have in my head at the moment and trying to smooth them out and find one concise story with in the jumbled thoughts. I do have one story almost done. I have someone editing now, which I'm excited about, but am also fearful that it will only validate the fact that I'm not nearly as talented as I like to think I am. But in the end it'll be good because it never fails: I read and re-read a story/chapter over and over before I post it, I'll post it, go back and read it again later and find some blaring mistake that grates my nerves like when you find a piece of dust right after you finished cleaning.

So I have that one story and then I think I have finally narrowed my focus on the bigger/casefile story that I've been trying to figure out...hopefully anyway. I've been in a phase where I'll write the first chapter or two of an idea and then get stuck...hopefully the must has finally decided wants to do though, since some ideas have been consolidated.

Also I've decided to livejournal a try when it comes to posting my fan fiction. I've been moving some of my old stories to my other blogger page, but don't care for it when it comes to stories. So, I'm going to move things over there and then when I have new stuff will post there and at

Thanksgiving was nice. It was a long day, mostly because I was fighting off a cold last week and was feeling very tired. I was downing orange juice and vitamins like they were going out of style...but they did something because I never got full blown sick just that feeling like my body was fighting not to get sick. You know what I mean?

I think the vitamins are even helping my skin, which gets ridiculously dried out in the winter.

I ate way to much over the course of the weekend and am dreading going to my weightwatchers meeting tonight because I really don't want to know how much damage I did. But I'm getting back on track slowly and it'll be okay.

The weekend also got me thinking about the possibility of maybe moving back home. I live about an hour and half away from my family, which in my family is a long ways away considering that my mom and all of her siblings still live in the same area they grew up in. I've been in Richmond for about 8 years now and was resistant to move back home right after I graduated.

I grew up just me and mom most of the time and we were very co-dependant on each other. I guess I felt like I needed the distance for me not to be so dependant on her, but she is still co-dependant on me. But I was thinking it might be nice now to start thinking about moving back and to be closer to my family. I've been building a friendship with my cousin on my dad's side and it'd be nice to actually be there to see each other more often. And to see her daughter more. Then one of my other cousins is engaged! Plus my best friend is closer then and most of the friends I accumalted in college have moved away.

I don't really know what has been keeping me here. I guess I just needed to be independent for a while and not feel like my identity was wrapped up in my mom's or in my family's. Maybe I've actually made some headway in that feeling since I kind of want to move back there.

There's a lot to think about before I make any sort of desicion and I'd have to find an apartment and a job all while living an hour away.

That's really all I've got. Hopefully I'll get back to posting more regularly soon. Though sometimes I don't think it's up to me, but the muses and ideas that seem to take hold of my brain.


Music Wench said...

Can't wait to read your story. I have three ideas written but nothing else. *sigh*

Moving back home is a big deal. It can be great or not. LOL I moved home with my mom for six months when my father died. It lasted six months because I wasn't a kid any more and we were very different - my mom and I. But living in the rental house behind her house was great.

Just a word of advice for what it's worth.

Oh, and thanks for the Meerkat. I love them! :)

Lynnez said...
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Lynnez said...

Yeah it is a big deal. I wouldn't literally be moving into my childhood home...maybe in an interum while I look for an apartment, but since i've lived on my own for 5 years or so now, I'm used to having time to myself. I love my mom, but at her house I never get time to myself which I've discovered I really need to function properly and not be a complete grump sometimes.

Glad you liked the meerkat. their so cute...and one of the few monogomous species.